Computer Science Orientation 2020

Torah Wisdom & Guidance Specifically for C.S. Majors from R’ Mayer Twersky

Introduction to the C.S. Major, by Judah Diament, C.S. Professor & Department Chair

Meet the Rest of the Computer Science Faculty

Greetings & Experience From Recent Alumni

Jacob Saks, class of ‘19 and Software Engineer at BlackRock, and Micah Hyman, class of ‘20, Summer intern at Amazon and semicha student at RIETS, share thoughts on how YC CS prepared them for their jobs.

C.S. Student Summer Internships During COVID-19

When COVID-19 shutdowns radically reduced the number of Summer internships that were available, the Yeshiva College Department of Computer Science undertook multiple efforts to create opportunities for our students. In this video, you will hear from six students who got their internships through these efforts, what they learned and did at their internships, and how YC CS prepared them for their jobs.

C.S. Student Summer Research During COVID-19

This is our second video about what YC CS did for our students in the Summer of COVID-19. In this video, you will hear about the research done by three students who spent the Summer doing Data Science research with one of our professors, Dr. F. Patricia Medina, and their thoughts on how YC CS prepared them and helped them.

Alex Schlesinger, Summer with Nomura Holdings and Google

Although the CS department did step up to help many students who did not have internships, that should not distract from the fact that a number of our students did in fact have internships on their own. In this video, Alex Schlesinger describes his Summer experience with Nomura Holdings and Google.